Also known as automotive heads-up display, automotive HUD are transparent displays that provide data to automobile users, without requiring the driver to look away from the common viewpoints. Currently, original equipment manufacturers in the automobile industry are using automotive HUD…

Numerous startups in the automobile industry showcased their greatest technological innovations in the field of transport to attract the interest of potential collaborators and buyers from the worldwide automobile industry in a major event themed on advances in automated and…

Every year, tens of thousands of people perish in road accidents. Research from around the world has displayed that most road accidents occur due to human error. Consequently, advancements in driver assistance technologies have the potential to save man y…

Automobile accessories such as wings, spoilers, and aero foils have long been popular automobile components often made from composite materials, especially in motor sports events such as Formula One and the factor of down force has rapidly gained importance in…

Earlier, passenger comfort and control of the driver over the vehicle was largely limited owing to the design of conventional hydraulic systems and components. Conventional shock absorbers make use of springs or fluid systems maintained under pressure. These systems, were…

Along with high-end vehicles, automotive manufacturers are emphasizing on introducing equally effective automotive components that support the overall vehicle performance. Engines valves are amongst these most vital components, which when efficient, help in maximizing the automobile’s performance. Automotive engine valves…